While working on a new DenOLA (Open lighting architecture) module, we noticed that newly compiled modules using DenAPI accessed a NULL pointer when being loaded by older gonuts versions using Squirrel 3.10. The API has been updated for backward compatibility, so even with older Squirrel Versions it now accesses the right (old) sq_getinstanceup in the jump tables. For newer gonuts releases, it will provide and use a simple parameter wrapper.
Now modules can be loaded to any gonuts version without thm being required to check wether it's running with 3.10 or 3.20 (or later) Squirrel version.
However, for latest gonuts releases, the additional Squirrel API functions of 3.30 are not supportet yet.
Find the latest DenAPI release at https://github.com/RizzoRat/denAPI