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the home of the Gonuts toolchain
A feature-rich general purpose Squirrel language executable with both industry, M2M/IoT and makers in mind

No setup required, gonuts runs out of the box

Develop tools, server applications, data harvesting, processing, SCADA or client applications in no time.
They'll run on PCs, Win or Linux Servers, Raspberry Pi, Beaglebone, or any other board running a linux on glibc6.
Amalgamate your application to a single executeable, leverage encryption to protect your intellectual property, easily utilize sockets or database access.
We developed professional applications based on gonuts, you can do that too. Go nuts!

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View the latest post Forum user registrations temporarily closed

Due to permanent automated registration of LOTS of user accounts we closed the registration option for a while.
In case you really want to register, please leave us a note at info ett phobyx. [

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View the latest post DenAPI backward compatibility update

While working on a new DenOLA (Open lighting architecture) module, we noticed that newly compiled modules using DenAPI accessed a NULL pointer when being loaded by older gonuts versions using Squirrel 3.10. The API has been updated for backward compatibility, so even with older Squirrel Versions it now accesses the right (old) sq_getinstanceup in the jump tables. For newer gonuts releases, it will provide and use a simple parameter wrapper.

Now modules can be loaded to any gonuts version without thm being required to check wether it's running with 3.10 or 3.20 (or later) Squirrel version.

However, for latest gonuts releases, the additional Squirrel API functions of 3.30 are not supportet yet.

Find the latest DenAPI release at https://github.com/RizzoRat/denAPI

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